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Governor Abbott Declares October 7-11 as Lawsuit Abuse Awareness Week

Texans Against Lawsuit Abuse (TALA) and Citizens Against Lawsuit Abuse (CALA) this week kicked off Lawsuit Abuse Awareness Week, an annual occasion to remind Texans of the state’s past as the Wild West of lawsuit abuse and to urge continued vigilance to protect the progress that has restored common sense and fairness to Texas courts.  A proclamation from Governor Greg Abbott’s office officially declared October 7-11, 2024, as Lawsuit Abuse Awareness Week.

In his proclamation, Governor Abbott noted: “A strong and fair civil justice system is the bedrock of our great state and nation. Access to the civil justice system is critically important to the economic fabric of our state.” The Governor’s proclamation went on to note that unfortunately, the civil justice system is “often taken for granted and has, at times, been threatened by those who prefer greed over justice and lawsuits over jobs.”

“Texas was once known as the courtroom to the world, where some personal injury lawyers would flock and brag about the huge verdicts they could win here,” said Robert Wood, TALA spokesperson.  “Because of frivolous lawsuits and outlandish court awards, jobs were threatened and many small businesses lived in fear that a single lawsuit would shut them down.”

In his proclamation, Governor Abbott noted that landmark legal reforms have worked to stem the tide of abuse in Texas.  Those reforms, Wood added, have become a significant pillar in the economic foundation that makes Texas stronger. 

“Carefully crafted lawsuit reforms have bolstered the position of our small business owners, given job creators the predictability and certainty they need to invest and expand in our state, and provided greater access to our civil justice system,” the Governor’s proclamation noted.

“Citizens and business groups are at the forefront of these reforms,” the Governor’s proclamation continued, “and they work tirelessly to educate, advocate, and drive the conversation on reform. These community-minded groups highlight injustices that continue to impact our civil justice system; inform the public of abuses and misuses of our courts; and build consensus around solutions to rein in costly, abusive lawsuits and questionable legal practices. This work is critical to preserving our state’s continued economic prosperity and the freedoms we cherish as Texans.”

Thanks in part to the state’s lawsuit reform work, Wood added, the Texas business climate is among the best in the nation, outpacing other states for job creation. He noted that acclaim and recognition for Texas has been steady since lawsuit reforms took effect. 

But TALA notes that threats to the civil justice system persist and vigilance by all Texans is needed.

“Some personal injury lawyers are relentless in their efforts to invent new ways to sue and to undermine reforms that are working for Texas,” Wood said.  “Lawsuit Abuse Awareness Week is a good reminder to maintain a watchful eye on those who would abuse the legal system for greed.  Our work to stop lawsuit abuse never stops.”